striate cortex

网络  纹状皮层; 纹状皮质; 纹状体皮层; 纹区; 纹皮质


  1. Major Topics: Striate Cortex Receptive Field Organization, Cytoarchitecture, Modular Organization, Imaging.
  2. "It's a very rigorously done report and the first demonstration of this in someone with apparent total absence of a striate cortex, the visual processing region," said Dr.
  3. Characteristics of LTP produced in normal and visually deprived young rats investigated in slice preparations of striate cortex
  4. There are four layers of vascular network within the striate cortex. The 3rd layer was clearly divided into sublayer 3a, 3b, 3c. The capillary density of the sublayer 3b is with lower density, which is just situated in Gennari's band.
  5. Gaze-position-dependent activities of striate cortex ( v1) neurones of awake macaque monkeys
  6. The result showed that: There were functional deficits in both primary and secondary visual cortex and no linear correlations between the activation loss of striate and extra-striate cortex in amblyopes.



  1. the part of the occipital cortex that receives the fibers of the optic radiation from the lateral geniculate body and is the primary receptive area for vision

      Synonym:    striate areafirst visual areaarea 17 of BrodmannBrodmann's area 17